
higher and higher

and its time to get higher and higher!

this is awesome :D

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Someone asked if I had any regrets making it into the way it is now. I guess not, if this means me getting blamed, then it is ok.

"She moved on liao then you leh?"

Honestly I don't know how to answer that truthfully.

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And Now All That Is Left...

As I pick up the pieces, I only realize that you are all that I care about.

To be honest, as much as I can't bear to let it go I know deep down that I have too.

Pardon me for being so mean to you in the end, I don't want you to feel sorry or like you owed me anything in the end. I would rather you blame me and be angry with me for being a jerk. It doesn't matter what others think I did or if they think of me as an asshole. I couldn't care less. All I want is for you to be happy.

I guess this is the best way for you to be able to move on without regrets. Only memories of the bastard of a guy you once had been with.

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Locked Up & Away

At times, it really hurts badly. I've never experienced anything like this before and I didn't know that it can really hurt this bad.

We were saying that we are gonna tell each other everything. But somehow I've always seen the stuff that you post and trust me, they do not feel good to read. Watching you doubt yourself and your decisions only strengthen the insecurities in me. How inapt you make me feel, how much of a replacement I am, how much of a unimportant person I am.

It really pains me to see you questioning yourself and I can't bring myself to face you. Am I that insignificant? Your life pretty much revolves around someone else. I'm always an afterthought. Sometimes I wonder, why am I always in this kinda situations. 

It isn't fair. But fairness is the last thing I seek. I don't mind giving everything and not getting anything back in return. But I really just want both of us to be happy together. We are happy, I guess, but one wouldn't need to be a psychic to know that it is only on the surface that we are. There exist many unspoken problems between us and only you can solve it. This is the fact and I absolutely hate it.

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梦想是需要冲动的。可是, 当冲动消失后,究竟还剩些什么呢?

没了冲动的梦想,好比幻想,幻想又不实现, 就是乱想。

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Porsche Cayman R

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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