Alright I might be a little slow but you can't blame me as I totally forgot about this movie till I saw the Bluray version of it available :(
Extract from Wikipedia
The story, adapted from Alive in Joburg, a 2005 short film directed by Blomkamp and produced by Copley, pivots on the themes of xenophobia and social segregation. The title and premise of District 9 were inspired by events that took place in District Six, Cape Town during the apartheid era. The film was produced for $30 million and shot on location in Chiawelo, Soweto, presenting fictional interviews, news footage, and video from surveillance cameras in a part-mock documentary style format. Aviral marketing campaign began in 2008, at the San Diego Comic-Con, while the theatrical trailer appeared in July 2009. Released by TriStar Pictures, the film opened to critical acclaim on August 14, 2009, in North America and earned $37 million in its opening weekend. Many saw the film as a sleeper hit for its relatively unknown cast and low-budget production, while achieving success and popularity during its theatrical run.
Everything from this movie just sort of 'clicked' instantly for me. Some scenes could have had better depiction and I sort of expected more 'roughness' around the edges seeing that this is not your average kind of blockbuster film. More 'Bourne' style jerking during the chase/actions scenes would do it good.
Catch it, one of the better stuff I've watched this year. I know, I'm WOLS by a year, but hey, better late than never :)
2 comments to "District 9."
Steve says:
You may be late, but it's easy to let that slide when it's for such a good movie! Excellent film.
Weihao / kly says:
yea man! better late then never :) Excellent movie!