God of War 3 is Done!

Alright so I've finally completed God of War 3. Whats next? Maybe I should get back to Final Fantasy XIII and hopefully forget how disappointing it was personally for me.

God of War 3... Definitely one of the best decisions I've made to get it. My only regret is that I had gotten it way way way too late! The game could actually be better. It could be longer, more fights, and definitely I felt that the last few battles of the game was its weakest point. It doesn't feel as 'epic' as the first few fights like Poseidon. I suppose burnout is the word for it. Since they've invested so much into the start of the game, the quality towards the end paled in comparison. It left me wanting but still, overall its at least a 9.5/10.

If you haven't yet got the game, you should really go get it like now! All action games should be like this. Its almost like watching a movie which gives you so much interaction.

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