So after my attempts to get a new mouse after my poorly built Mamba, I manage to get 1 from my friend. Enter the Abyssus. Its a very nice piece of hardware, with no distractions whatsoever. Just a point click and use kind of mouse. With hardware DPI and polling rate switches, its a very basic/entry level kind of mouse.
One thing I absolutely can't stand about the Abyssus is simply the lack of forward/backward buttons. Those are my all time favorite buttons during games and mostly during web surfing.
By no means it its not a good mice tho, prob one of the better ones I've come across in recent times. Another dislike personally is the weight. This thing is very light, ala early 2000s mouse like the Logitech Mx300.
Size comparison with my Mamba.
So this will be the one mouse to tide me over for the next few days till I get a better one :(
1 comments to "Razer Abyssus... (For Now)"
LoboDemon says:
I couldn't live without my forward/back buttons. Whenever I'm using someone else's mouse, I always find myself trying to click buttons that aren't there.. :(